The South Africa women’s national team arrived back home in Johannesburg on Tuesday to a special welcome from supporters and admirers. All members of Banyana Banyana were part of the team’s victory lap and took part in interviews, also receiving a check for 5.8 million Rand ($344,000) from the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa. With the players also receiving 400,000 Rand ($23,750) each, Mthethwa pledged that the government would pass a law to make it a requirement for the women’s national team to be paid equally with the men’s team.
More on the celebration is below including video of the team’s arrival in Johannesburg as well as the trophy presentation from Saturday’s final victory over Morocco.
Video: Banyana Banyana arrive in Johannesburg
Trophy presentation after South Africa win 2022 WAFCON